When to Cut Grass after Overseeding

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Are you struggling with a thin and worn-out lawn? As a lawn enthusiast, the best way to cure this menace is by overseeding your lawn. Once you overseed your lawn, one question will always arise which is when to cut grass after overseeding?

If you have been mowing your lawn once per week, you will need to wait for about 2-4 weeks before you can start mowing after overseeding. This waiting period gives the new fragile grass time to strengthen its roots and shoots before it can be trimmed through mowing. However, this is not a blanket timeframe as the best time to cut grass after overseeding also depends on the type of grass you are growing.

Different Types of Lawn Grasses and the Ideal Height to Mow Grass after Overseeding

Different lawn grasses have different growth patterns and characteristics. Some will only need to have a minimum height before you can carry out the first cutting while others take much longer before they can establish a strong root system. 

The type of grass you choose for your lawn largely depends on your location and climate.

When To Cut Grass After Overseeding Warm-Season Grasses?

If you overseed warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, Buffalo, Centipede, or Zoysia in the summer season, you can start mowing after a period of two weeks as they grow faster in this season.

When To Cut Grass After Overseeding Cool-Season Grasses?

Cool-season grasses do well during the fall and spring seasons. Most common types of cool-season lawn grasses include; Kentucky bluegrass, fine and tall fescue, and Perennial Ryegrass.

If overseeding is done during the right season, your grass should achieve the recommended cutting height within 2-4 weeks. This period allows the new grass shooting to strengthen their roots.

When to cut bermuda grass after overseeding

Recommended Cutting Heights after Overseeding

Different grass types have different ideal cutting heights that are recommended after overseeding. Some of the most popular types of lawn grasses and their ideal cutting heights include;

  • Bermuda grass- 0.5-2.5 inches
  • Centipede- 1-2.5 inches
  • St. Augustine– 1-3 inches
  • Buffalo- 1.5-4 inches
  • Zoysia 0.5-3 inches
  • Kentucky bluegrass– 0.75-3 inches
  • Fescue- 1.5-4 inches
  • Perennial Ryegrass- 0.75-2.5 inches
when to cut grass after overseeding

Once you overseed your lawn, you should wait for new grass to reach the recommended height before you can start mowing.  When mowing your lawn after overseeding, ensure that your lawnmower blades are adjusted to the right length so that you do not cut more than three inches of grass.

Cutting the new grass beyond three inches will have a negative impact on the new grass root establishment. Cutting of grass after overseeding should also be done when the lawn is dry since grass bade are easily destroyed by lawnmower if the lawn is wet.

Overseeding is a great lawn maintenance practice that helps in restoring a fading lawn. To achieve the desired results, it’s very important to know when to cut grass after overseeding.

Overseeding FAQs

  1. Does cutting new grass help it grow?

    Cutting a new grass helps it grow by generating new sprouts and it also strengthens its rooting system.

  2. How long should you wait to mow after overseeding?

    You should wait for a period of 2-4 weeks after overseeding for your first mow so that your new grass can achieve the recommended cutting height. The cutting heights vary depending on the type of grass that you have planted on your lawn.

  3. When to cut grass after overseeding?

    Most types of lawn grasses take about 2-4 weeks to achieve the desired cutting height. Lawn inspection should be done before any mowing to ensure the new grass has reached the recommended mowing height.

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